

Work Experience

In this section, you list what you accomplished that's relevant to your current job target. Here is the work experience section of Beth's resume (she has named hers Professional Experience).

Work Experience

There are several points to note about this section:

  • For a resume format, Beth chose a combined style (chronological with functional headings). This works well because:
    • She has a steady work history, with no break between jobs. Both of her jobs are administrative assistant positions.
    • The transition from administrative assistant to project coordinator is a logical progression, not a major career change.
    • The headings (Project Coordination/Management and Advanced Administrative Support) let her highlight advanced projects that help qualify her for a coordinator position.
  • To highlight her achievements, she uses bulleted text and keeps her job descriptions brief and to the point.
  • She uses the same set of headings for the two jobs. This helps the reader grasp the information more quickly.
  • Because she wants to emphasize her current position, she gives more detail. But she keeps the length consistent within each position.