

Writing Your Resume

Once you've completed your research and settled on a job target, it's time to put your resume together. Since your resume is organized in sections, we start by explaining what these sections are and why they're important.

  • Understand the basic elements. A resume consists of several sections, each of which delivers essential information to your readers.
  • Select the right resume format. Depending on your background or goals, you'll want to emphasize some things and de-emphasize others.
  • Write a first draft. Assemble the basic sections of your resume, highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and other aspects of your brand.
  • Edit and proofread. Your first draft should be just that”a first draft. Take the time to edit so it's complete and clear. Then proofread carefully!
  • Design for easy reading.  You don't need anything elaborate. But you do need a resume that's attractive and easy to scan for information.

As you put together your resume, it's always helpful to look at what others have done. For ideas and inspiration, see our walk-through sample and other sample resumes.