

How to use the GPA calculator

The GPA calculator was designed to provide a calculation of your GPA based on the standard grading system. It is NOT an official record of your grades.

To use the GPA Calculator:

  1. Enter the course name and/or number (e.g., Accounting 101) in the Course field. This field is optional and can be used to keep track of your entries--it is not used in the calculation.
  2. Enter the grade and the number of credits for each course in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click on the P/NP, S, T Course box if the course is a Pass/Not Pass, Satisfactory/Fail, or Transfer course.*
  4. Click on the Group or Major box to determine a GPA for a select group of courses (e.g., courses that are in your major or a selected group.)

The calculator automatically shows your GPA at the bottom of the form as well as total quality points. You can reset the fields by clicking on the Reset button. To add or delete a row, click on the Add a Row or Remove Row button.

*P, S, and T classes do not figure into your GPA. To figure how taking a course as P/NP may affect your grade point, check the Pass Not Pass box.

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