
 Common Application Essay Questions and Approach

1. The "you" questions. "Tell us about yourself".
2. The "why do you want to attend this college" questions.
3. The Creative Questions.
4. Tips on addressing common essay questions.

"You" questions or personal statements. (Examples)

The "why do you want to attend this college" questions. (Examples)

The "be creative" questions. (Examples)

Tips for addressing common essay questions:

The "you" question. Tell us about yourself. How should you approach it?
The "why did you want to attend this college" question. Know your subject.
The "creative" question. If you are comfortable with taking risks, this is your chance.

How should you approach the "You" question?

The "why do you want to attend this college" question.

This question concerns a topic you should know a great deal about: the school you hope to attend.

The "creative" question. If you are comfortable with taking risks, this is your chance!

Creative questions are more open ended and are designed to push you toward taking some risks with your writing. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore some different ways of expressing yourself and some topics outside of the ordinary. You may find that responding to this kind of question can be fun.