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Saying œthank you is not only the right thing to do, it is also an effective job search strategy. A thank-you note is another opportunity to sell your qualifications and leave a positive impression on the reader. 

Who gets a thank-you note?

Employers, employment contacts, and references should receive a thank-you note whenever they have helped you. You should always send a thank-you note after each job interview.

You should also send a thank-you note after an informational interview, when someone gives you a referral or information, or whenever someone takes time out of his or her schedule for you.

How do I say thank you?

You don't always need to mail a thank-you note. You can also deliver your thanks in person or by phone. The best approach will depend on the recipient's preference and your personal style. This will also determine if it is best to send an informal note or a more formal letter.

What should I include in my thank-you note?

  • Statement of appreciation for the opportunity
  • Expression of continued interest in the job
  • Brief restatement of qualifications and skills
  • Additional information you failed to mention
  • Final thank you for their consideration
  • Date and time you will follow up as previously agreed

Any other thank-you letter or note writing tips?

  • Write the note no later than 24 hours after the interview, even if the interview didn't go well.
  • Be brief, but include the information noted above. 
  • Address the note to the interviewer by name and title.
  • Send a separate, and slightly varied, thank-you note to each person you interviewed with, or send a single thank you to a key person for distribution.

View a Sample Thank-You Note for layout and format suggestions.